Beware of fake job offers circulated on behalf of OccuMed Clinic by certain individuals/entities claiming to be representatives, affiliates or permitted assigns, under contract with OccuMed Clinic.
At OccuMed Clinic we do not:
- Send job offers from any domain name other than our registered website, much less from free email services like Gmail, Rediffmail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail, etc.
- Authorise anyone, or seek or call upon payments or fee of any nature from job applicants.
- Our offers to potential employees are always made directly by OccuMed Clinic and not by any third parties.
- OccuMed Clinic will not be responsible to anyone relying or acting upon an employment offer not directly made by OccuMed Clinic.
- Anyone making an employment offer in return for monetary or other type of gain is not authorised by OccuMed Clinic and is not offering any approved job.
- OccuMed Clinic reserves the right to take legal action, including criminal action, against such individuals/entities.