Drivers Medicals

OccuMed Occupational Health offers a UAE wide on-site and off-site service for completing fork-lift driver medicals or plant operator medicals. As with all OccuMed's other Health Surveillance and Medical Screening services, our fork-lift driver medical service is very convenient, simple to engage and causes minimal disruption with a basic medical review taking only 30 – 40 minutes per employee.

 As we conduct each driver medical, we will explain the results to the employee and give health advice as appropriate.

At the end of the day the Occupational Health Advisor will give a quick debrief to the Manager on thats days driver medicals and a few days later OccuMed will issue a summarised Management report for your records. All recommended testing will advised to be done at our center.

We retain all driver medical records confidentially and as dictated by the appropriate regulations. Having previous records also allows us to make comparisons, on subsequent visits, to detect any early signs of any abnormal deterioration in health and therefore we will be a position to help tackle any issues before they become a more serious problem.

Similar medicals can also be conducted based upon "working at height" medical criteria.

Please contact us to see just how flexible and convenient our on-site driver / plant operator medical service can be.

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