Night worker check

Night Worker Medicals
What is included?

Under the Working Time Regulations, night workers must be provided with a free health assessment at regular intervals.night worker medicals

The purpose of a Night Worker Health Assessment is to determine whether a worker is fit to undertake the night work to which he/she has been assigned. Also it is to determine whether the work will have an affect upon the employees health.

  • Night Time is defined as the period between 11.00pm and 6.00am
  • A Night Worker is defined as someone who regularly works at least 3 hours of daily working time during 11.00pm and 6.00am
The Medical assessment seeks to establish whether the following health problems are present and if so, to what degree:
  • Diabetes (particularly where treatment with insulin injections on a strict timetable is required).
  • Heart and circulatory disorders, particularly where factors such as physical stamina are affected.
  • Stomach or intestinal disorders, such as ulcers and conditions where the timing of a meal is important.
  • Medical conditions affecting sleep.
  • Chronic chest disorders where night-time symptoms may be particularly troublesome.
  • Other medical conditions requiring regular medication on a strict timetable.

This assessment should, as a minimum, take the form of a Health Questionnaire which should be reviewed by an Occupational Health Physician or Nurse familiar with the employer's business and the nature of the employees work duties.

OccuMed's Night Worker Health Questionnaire is tailored to match the requirements of the Working Time Regulations. All completed questionnaires are review by one of our Occupational Health Professionals who will issue a fitness to work report for each employee.

When answers to the Health Questionnaire highlight any areas of concerns about the employee's fitness for night work, the employee should be referred onward to an Occupational Health Advisor or Physician for a further more in-depth (physical) review.

New employees or those transferring from days should as a minimum complete a Night Workers Medical Questionnaire preferably before they start.

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